Bringing back the happiness with a help of physical education; Albanian School Sport Federation

Bringing back the happiness with a help of physical education; Albanian School Sport Federation

Throughout the nineties, and up until 2013, the development of physical education in Albania saw a decline which resulted in obesity and substance abuse among school-going youth.

In 2014, Albanian School Sport Federation implemented a new theoretical and practical platform for physical education professionals, and established for pupils (of age 6-18) enrolled in the pre-university education system.

The Parliament approved the Law on Sports (No.79/2017) and physical education increased to three hours per week.  

The new measurements induced a significant reduction in obesity among all pupils, and most importantly, brought back the smiles and happiness. Currently, Albania is experiencing a significant increase in physical activity among its citizens.


The Albanian School Sport Federation’s president of honour is Mr Rauf Dimraj who is also one of the leading forces in implementing a new strategy based on the scientific platform for the development of physical activity among the pre-university youth. The platform focuses on healthy, functional and structural development of children of ages 3-6, 6-12, 12-15 and 15-18, as well as adults.

The main goal is to make society aware that based on human genetics physical activity should be a priority.

The Albanian School Sport Federation currently enrols in a series of projects such as:

The development of entertainment moving games for pre-school children, aged from 3 to 6 years. This is a regular activity developed 1-2 times per year which includes a participation of 5.000 children.
Training a group of kindergarten children in a fun-filled moving program, compiled with a book full of powerful visuals and illustrations. This unique book still remains unpublished due to lack of funds.
The evolution of long distance running in nature and other sports activities for the pupils of age 6-18.
The project of developing  program for training of the children with different abilities.
Participation in the first Balkan School Championship in Volleyball for Girls U-15, which took place in Skopje, Macedonia from June 7- 10, 2018, in the framework of cooperation between school sport federations of the Western Balkan Countries.

Albanian School Sport Federation also conducted a series of studies on students’ health, obesity levels and physical athletics qualities, and created various books on education, games and health for teachers, trainers and physical education professionals.